计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



DES(Data Encryption Standard,数据加密标准)加密算法在成为加密标准到今天,经历了长期的考验。实践证明DES算法的安全性是能够满足大部分的安全要求的。
本次研究设计的主要内容主要是将DES数据加密算法在FPGA上实现软件的仿真,利用Quartus II软件下的VHDL硬件描述语言进行DES算法的功能实现,利用数据块加解密的方式对输入的数据进行加密解密来完成密码算法的功能仿真。并且在主要完成DES算法的同时掌握非对称密钥算法RSA的原理懂得RSA算法的产生以及与DES算法的差异所在。
关键字:信息安全;密码算法; DES加密算法;硬件描述语言;数据块加解密


With the continuous development and progress of science and technology, computerdeveloped from the initial up to now and has entered every household, at the same time with the development of computer technology, communication technology is becoming more and more important, the use of computer networks for communication has become  most important information exchange modetoday, so information security attendant has become particularly important, in order to prevent in the process of information transmission on the network information is intercepted or modified. So the password security technology appeared. Cryptography algorithm is the core of password security technology and also is the main content of the security of information security, so with the development of network technology, information security technology has become very important.
DES(Data Encryption Standard)encryption algorithm becoming the encryption standard today, has experienced a long test. Practice proves that the security of DES algorithm is able to meet most of the security requirements. [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
The main content of this study design is the des data encryption algorithm on the FPGA to realize the software simulation, using VHDL hardware description language of the Quartus II software to realize the function of DES algorithm, use data block encryption and decryption of the input data of encryption and decryption to complete the function simulation of cryptographic algorithm. And at the same time to master the DES algorithm to grasp the principle of asymmetric key algorithm RSA know how to produce the RSA algorithm and the difference with the DES.
Key words: information security; cryptography algorithm; DES encryption algorithm; hardware description language; data block encryption and decryption


摘要    I
Abstract    II
第1章绪论    1
1.1数据加密算法的基本概念及特点    1
1.2基于FPGA的加密系统的研究背景与意义    2
1.2.1DES加密系统现状及发展    2
1.2.2PLD发展过程    2
1.2.3加密算法的FPGA硬件实现    3
第2章数据加密标准DES原理    4
2.1 DES 加密算法原理简介    4
2.1.1对称加密算法    4
2.1.2数据加密标准DES    4
2.2 DES加密过程    5
2.2.1 初始置换    7
2.2.2 每轮循环过程    7
2.2.3子密钥的产生    9
2.2.4加密函数F(R,K)    10


2.3 DES 算法的安全强度    12
第3章非对称密钥RSA算法    13
3.1 RSA算法的基本内容    13
3.2 RSA算法的原理    13
3.2.1大数的因式分解    13
3.2.2 RSA算法密钥的生成    13
3.2.3 RSA算法的加密过程    14
3.3RSA算法的性能分析    15
第4章密码算法设计及仿真    16
4.1 加密算法DES与RSA的FPGA硬件实现原理    16
4.1.1 FPGA系统电路    16
4.2 DES加密系统部分模块的FPGA实现    17
4.2.1 DES功能模块的划分    17
4.2.2 DES 算法执行模块的顶层设计    19
4.2.3 密钥产生单元设计    19
4.2.4 S盒的设计    20
4.2.5 每轮加密单元的设计    24
4.3 DES算法的加密仿真    26
4.3.1仿真实现    26
4.3.2 仿真过程及结果分析    26 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
4.4 RSA算法的加解密仿真    28
结语    29
参考文献    30
致谢    31