计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



关键字:针阀压力检测  STM32  模数转换

Needle valve pressure test has been widely used in many industrial automation control system. For the pressure detection technology, in recent years, various methods have made considerable development, but at present, the domestic pressure measurement level is not high, and can rarely achieve 0.1%. For the needle valve pressure change requires high accuracy of detection system, the design difficulty is relatively large, so for the research on high precision pressure detection has attracted a lot of attention. [资料来源:http://think58.com]
This paper first describes the needle valve pressure detection system design specific process, focusing on the analysis of the development of the detection system of the chip, and the use of processing chip.
Then, introduce the software and hardware design of the needle valve pressure testing system, which part of the hardware include: minimum system design, design of power module, serial interface circuit design and testing system schematic drawing method. The software part introduces the design of the software development environment, the main program design, the serial driver and the ADC analog conversion program..
Finally, through the system debugging, can detect the needle valve pressure function, the development board test success. This paper has a certain reference value for the design of needle valve pressure test.
Keywords: needle valve pressure test; STM32; ADC



摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1针阀压力检测    1
1.2压力、流量检测的现状国内外研究现状    1
1.3本课题研究的意义    2
1.4课题研究内容及本文章节安排    2
第二章 总体设计方法    4
2.1系统设计目标和原则    4
2.2总体设计    5
2.3硬件选型    5
2.4本章小结    6
第三章 系统硬件设计    7 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
3.1硬件模块框图    7
3.2硬件系统具体设计    7
3.2.1 功能特性    8
3.2.2 管脚说明    9
3.2.3 硬件结构设计    10
3.3电源模块设计    11
3.3.1 功能特性    11
3.3.2 内部结构    11
3.3.3 硬件结构    12
3.4串口电路设计    12
3.4.1    外部结构    12
3.4.2 引脚分部    13
3.4.3 硬件结构    14
3.5 JTAG/SWD调试电路设计    14
3.5.1 设计注意事项    15
3.5.2 电路设计    15
3.6 滤波电路    16
3.7阻抗匹配电路    17
3.8 A/D电路    17
3.9步进电机驱动电路    18
3.10压力传感器    18
3.11本章小结    21
第四章 系统软件设计与分析    22


4.1开发环境介绍    22
4.2软件系统设计    23
4.3主程序的设计    23
4.4串口驱动程序的设计    24
4.5 ADC转换程序的设计    29
4.6步进电机控制程序设计    32
4.7本章小结    33
第五章 系统调试    34
5.1软件系统调试    34
5.2 调试结果    34
5.3本章小结    35
第六章 总结与展望    36
6.1主要工作总结    36
参考文献    37
致谢    38