
密 惠 保
摘 要
本文首先介绍了小波变换的基本原理和指纹图像的基本特征,在第四章、第五章分别介绍了基于小波变换的指纹图像的降噪与压缩。在降噪方面,采用三种阈值函数去噪方法,通过仿真实验,对比得出改进的半软阈值去噪方法对指纹图像有较好的去噪效果。在压缩方面,对嵌入式零数小波编码算法(EZW算法)进行介绍,并分析该算法不足之处,而多树集合分裂排序编码算法(SPHIT算法)是对其不足之处的改进算法,本文也对该算法进行简要介绍,并通过仿真比较两种方法的压缩效果。 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
关键词:指纹图像 小波变换 阈值函数 压缩编码
Biometric technology has become one of the most widely used feature recognition techniques for application and research. The fingerprint takes the excellent features of its portability, uniqueness and safety, and becomes one of the most hotspot of the research. However, The fingerprint image is vulnerable to noise pollution, affecting the accuracy of fingerprint identification. Thus, fingerprint image de-noising is an important part of fingerprint automatic recognition system. Besides, with the development of fingerprint technology, a large number of fingerprint files stored in the computer in image file, so it has important realistic meaning and practical significance for efficient storage of fingerprint images.
There are many fingerprint image de-noising and compression methods, this paper mainly studies the image processing based on wavelet transform. Wavelet transform is applied to fingerprint image to achieve better noise reduction and compression because of the good image processing characteristics.
This paper studies the basic principle of wavelet transform and basic characteristics of fingerprint image. The fourth chapter mainly studied the de-noising of fingerprint image, and the fifth chapter mainly studied the compression of fingerprint image based on wavelet transformation. In the part of de-noising, using three kinds of threshold function de-noising method, through simulation experiments, to prove an improved soft threshold de-noising method for fingerprint image has better de-noising effect. In the part of compression, introduce the embedded zero wavelet coding and analyze the inadequacies of the algorithm. Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees coding algorithm, which is an improved algorithm is briefly introduced in this paper, and the compression effect of the two methods is compared by simulation.
Key Words: fingerprint; wavelet transform; threshold function; compression coding

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 本课题的研究现状 1
1.2.1 指纹图像降噪研究现状 1
1.2.2指纹图像压缩研究现状 2
1.2 本文的主要工作和安排 3
第二章 小波分析基础知识 4
2.1 小波 4
2.1.1 傅里叶分析与小波分析 4
2.1.2 连续小波变换 5
2.1.3 离散小波变换 5
2.2 多分辨率分析 6
2.3 Mallat分解与重构算法 8
2.3.1 一维离散小波变换的分解算法 8
2.1.2 一维离散小波变换的重构算法 8
第三章 指纹图像及其特征 10
3.1 指纹图像的特征 10
3.1.1 全局特征 10
3.1.2 局部特征 10
3.1.3 指纹图像处理中所需的信息 11
3.2 指纹图像的小波分解 11
第四章 小波变换用于指纹图像降噪 14
4.1 指纹图像降噪概述 14
4.2 小波阈值降噪理论 14
4.2.1 小波基的选取 15
4.2.2 分解层数的选择 15
4.2.3 小波阈值的选取 15
4.2.4 传统的小波阈值函数 15
4.2.5 改进的小波阈值函数 16
4.3 仿真实验及结果分析 17
第五章 小波变换用于指纹图像压缩 21
5.1 指纹图像压缩概述 21
5.2 小波变换实现指纹图像压缩 21
5.2.1 小波基的选取 21
5.2.2 确定分解/重构层数 22
5.3 EZW算法 22
5.3.1 EZW算法简介 22
5.3.2 EZW算法流程 23
5.3.3 EZW算法分析 25
5.4 SPIHT算法简介 26
5.5 仿真实验及分析 27
第六章 总结与展望 29
6.1 本文所做工作总结 29
6.2 进一步工作 29
参考文献 30
致谢 32