
密 惠 保
Speech Signal Denoising Method Based on MATLAB
Abstract: In order to achieve the de-noising of the voice signal, improve the clarity and intelligibility of the speech signal. In this paper, we first compare several common signal processing methods and choose the method of wavelet transform to perform speech denoising. And then the method of wavelet denoising is used to denoise by threshold method. Then, based on the study of the speech denoising method based on wavelet transform, a new threshold method is proposed to solve the shortcomings of the traditional soft and hard threshold function. At the same time,we researched the selection of the wavelet basis function and the threshold Determine the rules. Finally, through the simulation experiment, the comparison method and the objective evaluation data of traditional threshold processing are used to verify the superiority of the method. [资料来源:http://think58.com]
Key Words:speech denoising; wavelet transform; threshold function

目 录
1 引言 1
1.1语音去噪的研究背景和意义 1
1.2语音去噪的发展历史和研究现状 1
1.3论文的研究内容 2
2语音信号处理的方法 3
2.1常见的信号分析方法及比较 3
2.1.1傅里叶变换 3
2.1.2短时傅里叶变换 4
2.1.3小波变换 5
2.1.4三种变换的比较 5
2.2小波变换的基本理论 5
2.2.1小波变换 5
2.2.2连续小波变换 6
2.2.3离散小波变换 6
2.2.4二进小波变换 7
2.2.5小波的多分辨率分析 7
2.3基于小波变换的语音信号处理 8
3基于小波变换的语音去噪方法 8
3.1小波去噪的基本原理 9
3.2小波去噪的方法 9
3.4四种常见的阈值选取规则 13
3.5小波去噪的传统阈值处理函数 14
3.6一种优化的阈值函数 15
3.7小波去噪的性能去噪标准 15
4实验仿真及结果分析 16
4.1语音采集 17
4.2添加噪声 17
4.3语音分离 17
4.4语音去噪 17
4.5实验结果分析及小结 22
5总结与展望 22
参考文献: 24
致 谢 25