
密 惠 保
摘 要:汇率是反映一国参与国际经济活动状况的重要综合性指标,在国际贸易中起着衔接国与国之间商品价格的桥梁作用。因为中美贸易的巨额顺差而导致了人民币对美元汇价的争议,成为了中美贸易之间的重要话题。人民币对美元的汇价被认为是美中贸易逆差的主要原因,美国不断向中国施压,要求人民币升值,以缓解中美之间的贸易差额。本文以人民币的升值与中美贸易进行研究,来分析影响中美贸易的一些主要影响。通过对人民币汇率变动对中美贸易总额和结构方面进行理论和数据分析提出了我国需要稳定人民币汇率、产业结构优化升级、加快自主创新、完善企业制度等建议。这对当前经济背景下的中美贸易关系具有较为重大的意义。
关键词:汇率; 变动; 中美贸易; 顺差; 影响; 策略
Impact of RMB Exchange Rate on China-US Trade
Abstract: Exchange rate is an important comprehensive status indicators which reflected the situation of participating in international economic activities and played a bridging role in commodity prices between international trade. Because of the huge bilateral trade surplus, the dispute which caused by RMB exchange against the U.S. dollar has become an important topic between the Sino-US trade. RMB against the U.S. dollar is considered the main reason of the U.S. trade deficit.The United States continued to pressure China to revalue its currency for easing the trade balance between China and the U.S.. Based on the RMB appreciation on China-US trade relations of the empirical analysis, this paper analyzes some of the main reasons which affecting Sino-US trade, the RMB exchange rate changes on the impact of Sino-US trade. It is significant to Sino-US economic trade relations in the background of the current economy.
Key words: Exchange rate; change; Sino-US trade; surplus; impact; Strategy