
密 惠 保
摘 要:因2007年全球金融风暴,美国为缓解本国金融危机,转嫁风险,采取了美元贬值的措施。而中国作为美国的外汇储备大国,出口贸易大国,其出口贸易受到了不容忽视的影响,而中国的出口也由于美元贬值而减少。美元贬值对中国出口贸易的影响,既有积极部分,也有消极部分,积极影响在于中国出口商可以借此提高出口价格,优化出口结构,改善贸易环境,而消极影响则是利润空间变小,原材料涨价,美国对中国进口放缓,本文旨在通过系统分析美元贬值对中国出口贸易积极与消极影响,为我国出口贸易提出相应对策和建议。
The Influence of American Depreciation on Chinese Export
Abstract: Because of the global financial storm of 2007,USA took the action of devaluating of US dollar for relieving the crisis and transfer the risks. China,as a country for huge US dollar store,has been influenced deeply,and the export of China has been decreased because of the devaluation. It's a two sides coin for the influences of the devaluation of US dollar to the export of China. The positive side is that the the export firm can rise up the prise,update the export system and improve the trade environment. The negative side is the the profit space gets smaller,the materials gets expansive and the steps of import of USA gets slower. This report is intend to analysis the influences of the devaluation of US dollar to the export of China and propose relevant strategies. Key words: US dollar depreciation;transmission mechanism;exportation;influence 〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 www.56doc.com〗 [资料来源:http://think58.com]