
密 惠 保
摘 要:近年来我国商业银行特别是国有商业银行经历了一系列的银行改革后,不良贷款率有所下降,但是不良贷款额还是很大,为了能够从根本上降低不良贷款,本文对国有商业银行不良贷款的变动情况进行了描述,对2005年到2010年宏观经济因素对不良贷款的影响进行了线性分析,得出财政收入,进出口总额和货币供应量对降低不良贷款的作用最大。针对实证结果,提出以扩张性财政政策为主,扩大内需,通过扩大社会消费拉动经济增长,提高国内生产总值,间接降低不良贷款的建议。
Analysis of the Adverse Changes of Non-performing Loans in Commercial Bank and its Influence
Abstract: In recent years, China's Commercial Banks, especially State-owned Commercial Banks, through a series of banking reforms. After that, the non-performing loans ratio is descending. But under the circumstances, there are still a large amount of bad loans. In order to fundamentally reduce bad loans, this thesis analysis the changes of non-performing of State-owned Commercial Banks and the influence of macroeconomic factors to non-performing loans from 2005 to 2010. We can conclude that revenue, total import and export volume and money supply play the most important role to reduce the non-performing loans。 Finally according to the results of this study, some suggestions will be provided. Based on the expansionary fiscal policy, it can expand domestic demand. Then through the expansion of social consumption to promote economic growth and GDP, then reduce the non-performing loans indirectly. 〖毕业设计(论文)咨询QQ:306826066〗
Key words:Non-performing loans;State-owned commercial Banks;Changes;Influence factors;Linear regression analysis 〖资料来源:56DOC.COM 毕业设计(论文)网〗
