密 惠 保
VAT is the tax on the amount of value added to the individual or unit of the sale or processing of goods, the provision of Lloyd services and the import of goods within the scope of the border of our country. We need to note that the maximum value-added tax The characteristic is a value-added amount as a tax object, so it also covers all aspects of production and management, and for different links were taxed separately. VAT has become one of the most important tax in China, the proportion of value-added tax revenue in the whole tax more than 60%, is currently China's largest tax. Since the implementation of value-added tax in line with Chinese characteristics since 1984, the improvement and reform of value-added tax has been carried out. As China's economy has entered a new stage of growth, attention has been paid more and more attention to the issue of value-added tax, and how to improve the value-added tax and make its function a better play has become an important issue. The author in this paper on the value of the relevant issues of value-added research, and its current problems were summed up in order to let everyone have a better understanding of value-added tax.
Key words: tax; value - added tax; current situation;
摘要 3
一、我国增值税的发展历程 6
(一)增值税的类型 6
(二)增值税发展的初期 6
(三)增值税的转型 7
(四)增值税的必要性 7
二、我国现行增值税的现状及问题 8
(一)征收范围所带来的矛盾 8
1.征收范围过窄 8
2.销售行为难以辨识 8
(二)我国增值税自身的缺陷和弊端 9
1.存在重复征税问题 9
2.不利于产业调整和优化 9
3.不利于国际市场竞争 10
4.对小规模纳税人不公平 10
三、完善我国增值税的对策 10
(一)扩大增值税的增值范围 10
(二)简化税制,改进征管 11
(三)保持纳税时间界定基础的一致性 11
四、总结 12
参考文献 13
致 谢 14