
密 惠 保
摘 要
The competitiveness of four state-owned commercial banks
As the financial crisis is finished, China’s banking industry is in a new stage of development. Industrial and commercial bank of China, China construction bank, agriculture bank of China and bank of china are four important commercial banks of China’s banking system. The size of the four commercial banks accounted for 49.2% of banking sector. Therefore, four state-owned commercial banks largely represent competitiveness of China’s banking system. This paper analysis the profitability, liquidity conditions, safety and solvency of the four banks by a series of analysis tools. So that managers can see the gap between the domestic competitors of similar size, identify weakness and improve the situation of banks. Meanwhile it helps investors understand the operation state of the four banks and provides basic information for investment decisions.
Key words: commercial banks; competitiveness; profitability; safety; liquidity
目 录
1 引言 …………………………………………………………4
2 四大国有商业银行竞争力现状…………………………………5
2.2 流动性比率指标………………………………………………6
2.3 安全性比率指标………………………………………………8
3 四大国有商业银行竞争力方面存在的问题……………………11 [来源:http://think58.com]
3.1 四大商业银行存在的共同问题…………………………………11
3.2 四大商业银行各自存在的问题…………………………………11
4 全面提升四大商业银行竞争力的对策…………………………12
5 参考文献………………………………………………………13