密 惠 保
Abstract: With the end with the extensive economic growth, the expansion phase of the bank has ended, a new historical turning point has arrived. During this period, the bank's principal contradiction, performance requirements, as well as behind the escalating between financial and non-financial services, reflecting the bank's ability to client organizations. In order to solve this major contradiction, it is necessary to promote the supply side of banking reform, banks return to the essence of the real economy, by improving management efficiency, enhance the management level and efficiency of financial supply, create new productivity jumped, lead the real financial .
Keywords: finance; Banking; supply-side structural; reform
目 录
前言 1
一、供给侧改革的概述 1
(一)供给侧改革的内涵 1
(二)供给侧改革的原因 1
二、供给侧结构性改革的内容 1
(一)优化劳动力配置 1
(二)优化土地和资本配置 2
(三)提升全要素生产率 2
三、助力供给侧改革——以平安银行为例 2
(一)加快自身产能出清 2
(二)支持地产去库存增加有效供给 3
(三)深化事业部改革满足客户全方位需求 3
四、推进银行供给侧改革 4
(一)银行供给侧改革的整体思路 4
(二)银行供给侧改革的布局与节奏 5
(三)激发市场端的供给活力和服务水平 5
(四)实现中后台的管理变革和机制优化 6
四、结论 7 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
参考文献 8