密 惠 保
本文对所收集的用户数据,并且与目前的人机交互技术相结合,全面考虑交互体验、安全高效等方面进行深层次的人机交互设计分析。目前分析探讨结果已经由最初的理论转为实践,通过一个集成的触摸屏为载体和语音控制的人机交互系统的应用实例。它以触摸屏(像现在的智能手机那样,例如三星、苹果)做媒介实现我们所说的车内乘客与汽车的交互方式,通过触摸屏以一下各种方式例如平移、点触摸、语音指令等操作方式控制车内的一些非安全性功能,我们的目标就是做出全新的人机交互系统,开发一些其他的人机交互方法,带来安全高效且全新的交互感受。我们将以前的信号语言转为现在简单的手势控制和语音控制,使人机交互得到进一步的优化。 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
关键词:交互设计 汽车 触摸屏 语音控制
The application and development of on-board the human-computer interaction system
Naturally the car came out of the 19th century, vehicle-mounted human-computer interaction way has nearly more than 130 years of development, so there is a widespread awareness of the traditional simple interaction has been design is very perfect, are generally of lightning way to communicate. The continuous development of information technology, constantly improve the level of science and technology, the new features of many have never imagined to continue into the car, the powerful at the same time also brought a lot of inconvenience, brand new, functional reorganization, multi-channel vehicle man-machine interaction pattern will gradually become even more important, it must be the trend of development in the future.
In this paper, the collected user data, and combined with the human-computer interaction technology, fully consider interaction experience, such as safe and effective for deep analysis of the human-computer interaction design. Analysis results are from the initial theory to practice, through an integrated touch screen as the carrier and voice control application examples of the human-computer interaction system. It with a touch screen (like today's smart phones, such as samsung, apple) do medium for what we interact with the car, the car passengers through the touch screen to the various ways such as translation, touch, voice commands of some of the operating mode to control the car such as security functions, our goal is to make a new human-computer interactive system, develop some other method of human-computer interaction in safe efficient and fresh interactive experience. Before we will sign language into simple gesture and voice control now, make a further optimization of human-computer interaction.
Keywords: Interaction design;Car;Touch screen;Voice control;
目 录
第一章 概述 1
1.1背景 1
1.1.1理论背景 1
1.1.2现实背景 1
1.2研究意义 2
1.3研究目标 3
第二章 相关技术简介 4
2.1车载app的发展设计 4
2.2 人机交互理论的发展 4
2.3 汽车人机交互界面概述 6
第三章 汽车人机交互用户需求分析 7
3.1 汽车人机交互用户需求调研方法 7
3.2 app应用程序与人机交互系统的整合案例评价 11
3.2.1app设计概要 11
3.2.2车载app 12
3.2.3 研究结论 14
3.3调研实施 14 [来源:http://think58.com]
3.3.1设计问卷 14
3.3.2实地调研 16
3.3.3研究结论 17
第四章 基于调研结果的车载人机交互系统的功能确定 18
4.1 音乐控制模块 18
4.2 智能导航模块 19
4.3 自动空调模块 20
4.4 驾驶模式模块 20
4.5 智能语音控制模块 21
结语 22
参考文献 23
致谢 25 [版权所有:http://think58.com]