
密 惠 保
摘 要
关键字: 频繁项集;MapReduce并行框架;MMR-Apriori;事务压缩映射表
Apriori algorithm is a classical data mining algorithm. For the mining of frequent itemsets, it is mainly achieved through connecting and pruning step. However, in the traditional Apriori algorithm, there are two major problems: (1) A large number of candidate sets need to be generated during the calculation of frequent itemsets (2) The database needs to be scanned repeatedly, and each generation of a candidate itemset requires a database scan.
The thesis mainly studies how to solve second questions mentioned above of the traditional Apriori algorithm. The purpose is to improve the efficiency of the algorithm by reducing the number of times of scanning the original transaction set database, thus achieving the effect of processing large data sets.
The research results show that compared with the traditional Apriori algorithm, the MMR-Apriori based on the MapReduce parallel framework can not only achieve the effect of processing big data, but also improve the running efficiency of the parallelized Apriori algorithm.
The characteristic of this paper lies in: The optimal design of MMR-Apriori algorithm establishes the corresponding 1- frequent itemsets index table bythe 1-frequent itemsets generated, and establishes the transactioncompression mapping table according to the index table. On the one hand, the original transaction set database can be greatly compressed, and on the other hand, the 1-frequent itemsets index table and the transaction compression mapping table are established, which greatly reduces the statistical time of occurrence of each itemset in the k-candidate set generated by iteration.
KeyWords:frequent itemsets;MapReduce parallel framework;MMR-Apriori;transaction compression mapping table
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究的目的及意义 1
1.2.1 目的 1
1.2.2 意义 2
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
1.4 课题研究内容 3 [来源:http://think58.com]
1.5 论文结构安排 3
第2章 Apriori算法 5
2.1 Apriori算法的描述 5
2.1.1 求解频繁项集过程 5
2.1.2 求解频繁项集实现算法 6
2.2 Apriori算法的分析 6
第3章 并行框架分析与Hadoop集群的搭建 7
3.1 并行框架分析 7
3.1.1 各并行框架的性能对比 7
3.1.2 Hadoop MapReduce编程框架 8
3.2 Hadoop集群的搭建 9
3.2.1 准备阶段 9
3.2.2 集群环境搭建 9
第4章 基于MapReduce框架的MMR-Apriori优化算法 15
4.1 相关定义 15
4.1.1 事务布尔矩阵(T) 15
4.1.2 1-频繁项集映射表 15
4.1.3 基于1-频繁项集事务压缩映射表 15
4.2 MMR-Apriori算法描述 15
4.2.1 产生1-频繁项集映射表 16 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
4.2.2 产生基于1-频繁项集事务压缩映射表 16
4.2.3 迭代生成k-频繁项集 16
4.3 MMR-Apriori算法实现代码 18
4.3.1 1-频繁项集映射表的实现过程 18
4.3.2 基于1-频繁项集事务压缩映射表的实现过程 20
4.3.3 迭代生成k-频繁项集的实现过程 22
4.4 MMR-Apriori算法实现示例 25
4.4.1产生1-频繁项集映射表示例 26
4.4.2产生基于1-频繁项集事务压缩映射表示例 27
4.4.3 迭代生成k-频繁项集示例 28
第5章 实验分析 30
5.1实验框架 30
5.1.1数据集 30
5.1.2实验方案 30
5.1.3实验环境 30
5.2实验结果分析 31
5.2.1实验算法简介 31
5.2.2结果分析 31
第6章 结语 34
参考文献 35 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
致谢 37 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]