
密 惠 保
关键词:数据结构;树;遍历序列;构造树;算法 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
Tree plays an important role in the data structures.Many practical applications canbeconsidered to bethe form of data structures.So,the series of operations of a tree are all important.
The so-called traversal of the tree structure starts from the root node, and according to a specific rule,each node is only visited for one time until all nodes of the whole tree are visited. That is the complete traversal of the tree. The traversal of a tree is the basis of all tree algorithms.What’s more, it is also the most intuitive understanding of the tree structure.
The traversal of existing trees, preordertraversal (root-left-right), inorder traversal (left-root-right), postorder traversal (left-right-root),level traversal. At the same time, based on these traversal algorithms, it is possible to determine uniquely a corresponding tree based on two traversal sequences.
This article uniquely identifies and constructs the corresponding tree through the basic four traversal methods other than traversal, and by traversing some information of the corresponding nodes of the sequence. The first method is the non-recursive algorithm of using the LR-Stack traversal sequence, and the information of the parent node corresponding to the sequence.The second method is the non-recursive algorithm of using the Depth-First-Search traversal sequence, and the information of the floor number corresponding to the sequence.The third method is the non-recursive algorithm of using theDepth-First-Search traversal sequences, and the information of the degree of the corresponding node to the sequence.
Keywords:DataStructure;Tree;Traversal;Construct tree;Algorithm
前言 1
第一章 绪论 2
1.1 树的基本定义 2
1.2 树的结构定义 3
1.3 树的遍历定义及算法 4
1.4 算法的描述 4
第二章 遍历算法设计基本描述 6
2.1 LR-stack遍历序列和父结点信息 6
2.2 DFS遍历序列和层次信息 7
2.3 DFS遍历序列和度数信息 8
第三章 构造树的算法的基本描述 9
3.1 根据父结点插入对应孩子结点算法描述 9
3.2 根据长兄结点插入对应次兄结点算法描述 9
3.3 由LR-stack遍历序列和父结点信息构造树算法描述 9
3.4 由DFS遍历序列和层次信息构造树算法描述 10
3.5 由DFS遍历序列和度数信息构造树算法描述 10
第四章 构造树的算法的基本证明 11
4.1 根据父结点插入孩子结点的算法证明 11
4.2 根据长兄结点插入次兄结点的算法证明 11
4.3 由LR-stack遍历序列和父结点信息构造树算法证明 11
4.4 由DFS遍历序列和层次信息构造树算法证明 12
4.5 由DFS遍历序列和度数信息构造树算法证明 12
第五章 算法设计的代码实现及结果 14
5.1 树形结点的代码实现 14
5.2 根据父结点插入孩子结点的算法代码实现 15
5.3 根据长兄结点插入次兄结点的算法代码实现 15
5.4 由LR-stack遍历序列和父结点信息构造树算法 16 [来源:http://think58.com]
5.4.1代码实现 16
5.4.2实验结果 17
5.5 由DFS遍历序列和层次信息构造树算法 18
5.5.1代码实现 18
5.5.2实验结果 19
5.6 由DFS遍历序列和度数信息构造树算法 20
5.6.1代码实现 20
5.6.2实验结果 21
第六章总结与展望 23
6.1 本文总结 23
6.2 后续工作展望 23
参考文献 24
致谢 26