
密 惠 保
密 惠 保
摘 要
关键词:无人驾驶;高清地图;Gmapping slam;Hector slam;Cartographer slam。
This paper makes use of the current three mainstream map software algorithms, and compares and analyzes the construction of laboratory simulation Maps under several algorithms, and applies it to the practice and learning of Baidu's Apollo platform.
This paper mainly studies the application of a specific algorithm and program practice, and discusses and analyzes the problems in theory and practice. In addition, we simply study the programming and application of the other two algorithms, simulate the construction of laboratory maps, and compare and analyze the advantages and disadvantages with the other two.
The results show that the first one can build indoor maps in real time, and the calculation required to build small scene Maps is small and accurate. Compared with the other two methods, the frequency requirement for Lidar is low and the robustness is high(the second is that when the robot quickly turns, it is easy to mismatch, and the resulting map is misplaced. The main reason is that the optimization algorithm is prone to fall into the local minimum value); Compared to the last method when constructing a small scene map, the first one does not require too many particles and there is no loop detection so the calculation amount is smaller than the last one and the accuracy is not much worse. [来源:http://think58.com]
Key Words:Driverless;HD map;Gmapping slam;Hector slam;Cartographer slam
第1章 绪论 6
1.1无人驾驶高清地图背景历史: 6
1.2国内外发展现状: 9
1.2.1现状综述 9
1.2.2中国国情 13
1.2.3高精度地图标准之争 13
1.3 高精地图在无人驾驶领域的作用 14
1.4高精地图与普通导航地图的区别 15
1.5高精度地图的定义 17
1.6高精度地图应用 18
1.6.1高精地图如何提高鲁棒性 18
1.6.2高精地图的大致分层 20
1.7小结 20
第2章 Gmapping slam 21
2.1 Gmapping概念: 21
2.2 Gmapping slam优缺点: 23
2.2.1优点 23
2.2.2缺点 24
2.3 关于Gmapping的基本理解 24 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
2.4使用RBpf建图 25
2.4.1目标分布与提议分布 25
2.4.2在RBpf的基础上改进提议分布和选择性重采样 26
2.5存在的部分问题及解决方法 28
2.5.1提出问题 28
2.5.2解决方法 29
2.6小结 32
第3章 Hector slam 32
第4章Cartographer 33
4.1 Cartographer算法原理 33
4.2局部优化 33
4.3 全局优化 35
第5章 百度apollo平台 35
5.1发展背景 35
而将这个计划命名为“Apollo”计划,就是借用了阿波罗登月计划的含义。 36
5.2平台体系 36
5.3生态系统 36
5.4技术合作 36
5.5核心支柱 37