
密 惠 保
WeChat public platform is a new functional module based on the Tencent Inc in WeChat,Through this platform,Individuals and businesses can build a WeChat public account(Hereinafter referred to as the public account or the public number),And to achieve a specific group of text, pictures and voice of the full range of communication, interaction. Public platform mainly for celebrity, government, media, business and other, here was made possible by the WeChat channel brand to hundreds of millions of users of the WeChat, reduce the cost of publicity, enhance brand awareness, create a more influential brand image.
The graduation project will be based on the WeChat public platform, the use of javaWeb related development technologyto develop the financial information push function. In this paper, first discuss market position and platform value ofWeChat public platform, WeChat public platform is the best current information transfer platform; and then analyze the financial information push specific needs to achieve the function. Finally, combined with the actual development work, to introduce and explain the implementation used in the process of Technology, process and method of the implementation, show after the completion of the results.
keywords:WeChat public platform;financial information;information push function;javaWeb

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 平台定位 1
1.2研究目的及意义 1
1.3研究内容及目标 2
1.4论文组织结构 3
第2章 相关技术及开发工具简介 4
2.1 微信公众账号功能点 4
2.2微信公众账号重要功能介绍 4
2.3 开发工具 5
2.4开发技术 5
第3章 公众平台财务信息推送需求分析 7
3.1 功能需求 7 [来源:http://think58.com]
3.1.1 校园卡系统功能需求 7
3.1.2 财务信息公告推送 8
3.1.3 水电费余额查询 9
3.2 非功能需求 9
第4章 系统与数据库设计 10
4.1数据库设计 10
4.1.1 实体属性图 10
4.1.2数据库设计 11
4.2 系统详细设计 12
4.2.1 校园卡消费记录查询模块设计 13
4.2.2 财务信息推送 14
4.2.3 寝室水电费余额查询 14
第5章 平台实现 16
5.1校园卡系统具体实现 16
5.1.1 身份认证 16
5.1.2 设置自定义菜单 16
5.1.3 查询用户当日记录 18
5.1.4 按格式返回信息 18
5.2 水电费余额查询 19
5.2.1 获取寝室号 19
5.2.2 查询余额 19
5.3.3 按格式返回信息 19
第6章 关键问题及解决方法 20
6.1 启用开发者模式 20
6.2 解析XML 20
6.3 网络传输架构 20
6.4 公众账号无响应的处理 21
第7章 总结与展望 22
参考文献 23
致谢 24