
密 惠 保
The educational administration management system is an important part of modern education. In the management of modern colleges and universities, an efficient and accurate educational administration system can not only greatly improve the efficiency of teaching management, but also avoid wasting a lot of manpower and material resources in manual management, especially in In the age of informationization, an automated educational management system is important. This design completes the basic framework function of the educational administration management system, and is dedicated to the exchange and storage of student information to improve management efficiency. The system runs on a computer, aggregates and stores various information, and completes the informationization and automation of the educational administration system. Claim. The importance of the information-based educational system is getting higher and higher, and the current university system still has defects, and it needs to pay more attention to further improve the system function.
Keywords: student management system; computer; student; informationization.
(1)运用Visual Studio软件进行代码的编写与编译。

第1章绪论 1
1.1 研究工作的目的和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状分析 2
1.3 本文所设计教务系统的基本功能 3
1.4 本设计主要的实现方法 3
第二章 C语言相关知识简介 4
2.1 C语言的发展与特点 4
2.2 链表 4
2.3 动态内存的分配 5
2.4 文件的读取与写入 6
2.5 Visual Studio 编程简介 7
2.6 本章小结 10
第三章系统总体结构分析 11
3.1 函数分析 11
3.2 需求分析 11
3.3 设计可行性论证 12
3.4 本章小结 12
第四章功能实现及调试 13
4.1 总体思路及函数定义 13
4.2 功能函数调试 14
4.2.1 主菜单函数 14
4.2.3 学生信息输入函数 15
4.2.4 学生信息查找函数 17
4.2.5 学生信息显示函数 21
4.2.6 学生信息修改函数 23
4.2.7 学生信息删除函数 24
4.2.8 学生信息存盘函数 26
4.2.9 学生数据读盘函数 26
4.10 本章小结 27
总结 28
参考文献 29
致谢 30 [版权所有:http://think58.com]