
密 惠 保
摘 要:针对传统田间农作物监测存在的问题和缺陷,本文基于先进的微控制器STM32平台,集成了多种高精度传感器、定位芯片、高速数据通信和存储模块来实现农田环境的监测,并且配备了远程监测app和完善的云端服务终端,设计了一种基于物联网模式的农田信息采集系统,能够实现对空气温湿度、光照强度、土壤温湿度、大气压强和田间位置等多种农田信息数据的实时监测功能,并且通过实验验证说明了本文研究的系统检测精度能够满足实际监测需求。本文所设计的农田信息采集系统具有成本低、低功耗、体积小、实时传输数据等优点,并且能够对待测环境中的农田信息数据实现较为精确的采集。它不仅适用于现代农业生产,也适用于其他工业控制、制造等领域,具有非常广阔的市场应用前景。
Farmland information acquisition system based on internet of things model
Abstract:In order to solving the problems and shortcomings of traditional field crop monitoring, based on advanced micro-controller STM32 platform, this paper integrates a variety of high-precision sensors, positioning chips, high-speed data communication and storage modules to realize the monitoring of farmland environment, and equipped with remote monitoring app and perfect cloud service terminal, and designed a farmland information acquisition system based on Internet of Things model. It can realize the real-time monitoring function of many kinds of farmland information data, such as air temperature and humidity, light intensity, soil temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure and field location. The experimental verification shows that the detection accuracy of the system studied in this paper can meet the actual monitoring needs. The farmland information acquisition system designed in this paper has the advantages of low cost, low power consumption, small volume, real-time data transmission, and can accurately collect farmland information data in the measured environment. It is not only suitable for modern agricultural production, but also for other industrial control, manufacturing and other fields. It has a very broad market application prospect.
Keywords:STM32F407 microprocessor; farmland information detection; GPS field positioning; wireless transmission

1 引言 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2农田信息获取方法的研究 2
1.3 国内外研究现状 3
1.3.1 传统方法 4
1.3.2 现代自动化方法 5
1.4 研究内容 5
2 农田信息采集系统整体设计 7
2.1 系统架构分析 7
2.2 数据收集 8
2.3 数据处理和传输 9
2.4 基于物联网的农田信息检测系统框架 9
3硬件系统设计 11
3.1单片机控制电路 11
3.2 GPS定位模块 13
3.3土壤湿度模块 14
3.4空气温湿度模块 15
3.5紫外线强度模块 15
3.6光照强度检测模块 16
3.7通信模块 17
3.7.1 USB转TTL通信 17
3.7.2无线模块接收发送 18
4软件设计 20
4.1软件开发环境 20
4.2系统软件流程 20
4.3软件设计与功能实现 21
4.3.1数据采集 21
4.3.2数据发送与接收 23
4.3.3数据解析 23
4.4上位机界面设计 24
5实验验证 26
5.1实验结果 26
5.2实验分析 27
5.3实验总结 27
6总结 29
参考文献 30 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
致 谢 32