
密 惠 保
Generative adversarial network is the focus of image generation. This paper mainly discusses how to correctly correspond the description information in the text to the generated image. The implementation principle of the system is divided into two modules, namely, the extraction of text features and the generation of images. Text features are extracted by character-level convolution recurrentneural network as the input condition for generative adversarial networks. Through training the generating model and discriminant model in the network, generative adversarial network generates realistic images that conform to the text description. In order to improve the quality of image generation, researchers have explored the improvement of generating countermeasures network, and have developed a variety of derivative models. In this paper, several derivative models of antagonistic networks are analyzed and studied, but due to the limitations of conditions, not all of them have been tested.
The simulation of this subject is based on the simulation implementation of Python, which is tested on the existing image data set and the corresponding label set. The handwritten data and flower images are obtained by the experiment.However, because the training model is not stable enough, the image quality is not very good.
Keywords: generative adversarial network; text description; dataset; derivative models

第1章绪论 1
1.1 研究目的及意义 1
1.2 研究现状 1
1.3 预期目标和论文构成 3
第2章文本特征提取原理 4
2.1 文本表示的模型 4
2.2 文本特征提取方案 5
2.3 特征提取方法选取 9 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
第3章系统的设计与实现 10
3.1 生成对抗网络GAN 10
3.2 GAN-CLS和GAN-INT算法改进 12
3.3 衍生模型 13
3.3.1 CGAN 13
3.3.2 DCGAN 14
3.3.3 WGAN 15
3.3.4 StackGAN 16
3.3.5 PGGAN 18
3.4 GAN相关模型选择测试 19
3.5 测试数据集 19
3.6 测试结果及分析 20
第4章总结与展望 25
参考文献 26
致谢 28