
密 惠 保
E-commerce site is now and the future of a shopping model, he will bring people more and more convenient. This article will first from the structure of the design of the site has a general thinking, including the front of the site member management module and back-end data processing module, which is necessary for any one site. But I still put some content on the interpretation of security technology, when information security has become a prominent theme of today's website, we have to spend on the safety of our site to become your side of the Pure Land
This paper discusses the development of e - commerce based on odoo platform, and explains the requirements analysis of e - commerce system and the design of system requirements. The system's basic functions generally include commodity inquiries, merchandise details browsing and merchandise ordering; in short, the system is a reliable and useful system.
Keywords:odoo; postgresql database; python; e-commerce; B / s architecture

摘要 1
Abstract 1
前言 1 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
第一章 绪论 2
1.1 电子商务的产生和发展的条件 2
1.2 电子商务发展的阶段 3
1.3 电子商务的发展状况和对策 4
1.3.1 国外电子商务的发展状况 4
1.3.2 我国电子商务的发展状况 6
第二章 系统的需求分析 8
2.1 python概述 8
2.1.1 Python发展历程 8
2.1.2 Python的特点 9
2.2 odoo概述 9
2.3 postgresql数据库概述 10
2.4 可行性分析 11
2.5 设计思路 11
2.6 功能需求分析 12
第三章 数据库设计 16
3.1 概念设计 16
3.2 逻辑设计 17
3.3 物理设计 17 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
第四章 网站的详细设计 19
4.1 网站流程图 19
4.2 网站界面 20
第五章 毕业设计总结 24
致谢 26
参考文献 27