健身会所网站的设计与实现(ASP.NET C# SQL)
密 惠 保
摘  要
随着因特网的发展,公司宣传模式发生了很大的变化。网站比传统的宣传模式更方便、经济,且不受空间、时间限制。论文详细论述了一个基于ASP.NET健身会所的开发设计过程。系统采用ASP.NET 2005作开发平台,C#作编程语言,SQL Server 2005作数据库管理系统,实现了会员管理、会员卡管理、项目管理、预约管理、财务管理、业务管理、经营报告、系统管理等功能。系统符合健身会所系统的需求。
关键词:互联网;ASP.NET;数据库设计;安全性;软件工程; [资料来源:http://think58.com]
The Design and Implementation of BodyChamber System based on ASP.NET
Along with the development of the internet, the company propaganda mode has been changed greatly. The website is more convenient and economic than the traditional propaganda mode, and it is not limited by space and time. The paper discusses in detail the development and design process of a company website based ASP.NET. It uses ASP.NET 2005 as the development platform, C# as the programming language, SQL Server 2000 as the database management system, and includes enterprise introduction, enterprise culture, news, goods management, talent recruitment, message board, etc.. It can accord with the requirement of the company website.
The paper is organized as following: Firstly, analyzes the background and significance Secondly, introduces the development tools and the foundation of the technology Thirdly, analyses the demand of the system, gives a specific design project and a database model Then shows the implementation of the whole system, which includes the design and linkage of the database and the implementation of every module. Finally gives a test of the system.
Key words: Internet ASP.NET Database design Security Softengineering.
目  录
1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 本课题研究的意义 1
2 系统开发工具与主要技术简介 2
2.1 系统开发工具简介 2
2.2 系统开发主要技术简介 2
2.3 B/S模式概述 2
3 系统分析与数据库设计实现 3
3.1 需求分析 3
3.2 系统功能描述 3
3.3 系统功能模块划分 4
3.4 系统文件夹说明 4
3.5 数据库概念结构设计 4
3.6 数据库表的创建 7
4 网站前台管理设计 7
4.1 会员登陆模块 7
4.2 在线预订服务 8
5 网站后台管理设计 14
5.1 密码管理与修改 14
5.2 会员信息管理 16
5.3 预约管理 17
5.4 经营状况管理 18
6 编译运行与系统测试 19
6.1 编译运行 19
6.2 系统测试 23
结    论 24
参考文献 24
致    谢 25
声    明 26
毕业设计(www.think58.com)上一篇:旅游网站的设计与实现(ASP.NET C# SQL)(精品)☆
下一篇:网上论坛系统(BBS)的设计与实现(ASP.NET C# SQL2000)