
密 惠 保
Abstract:With the rapid development of Internet, there are more and more domestic online shopping platform, more and more people are used to online shopping, more and more businesses are also involved in the online sales industry, because of the growing network of customers, businesses need to purchase certain goods have been different for the market demand, businesses need to constantly know what aspects of customer needs shopping needs, the urgent need for a sound business inventory management software products to manage their own time cargo warehouse, based on this we developed The Shop of the warehouse management system
This paper introduces the need for warehouse management, and then analyzes the store as a large network of online sales shops, which Management of the flow of goods, and on this basis, further analysis of the flow of goods warehouse management specific functions and modules. Then popular. Net technology and plant development mode (multi-storey development mode), the use of the knowledge, with the B / S structure of the shop warehouse management system developed to meet the flow of cargo warehouse shop management development, improve economic efficiency. As part of implementation of the system described in this article also shop warehouse management system modules, the system consists of six modules: purchasing, sales management module; storage, a library management module; for the inventory of goods damaged, lost situation The reported loss module; prospects through e-commerce merchandise display mode shows the detailed information, and membership registration, message, etc. modules [资料来源:http://think58.com]
Keywords: network warehouse management, inventory management, NET technology, B / S structure, procurement marketing

目 录
绪论 1
1.1 开发背景 1
1.2 系统的可行性分析 1
技术可行性分析 1
实施的可行性分析 1
相关技术介绍 2
2.1 C#简介 2 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
2.2 AspNet简介 2
2.3 数据库简介 4
系统需求分析 5
3.1 可行性分析 5
3.2 系统具备的特点介绍 5
3.3 系统功能结构分析 6
图 3-1 结构图 7
3.4 业务流程分析 7
3.5 系统目标 8
4.1 系统开发环境 8
4.2 数据库设计 9
4.3 E—R图 12
4.4 主要模块流程图 12
商品类别维护 13
系统界面设计 15
5.1 界面设计思想 15
5.2 详细界面设计 15
测 试 24
6.1 概述 24
概念和意义 24
特性 24
重要性 25
6.2 本系统测试描述 25 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
结 论 26
参考文献 26