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热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘  要
随着科技的日益发展,人们对通信的要求和使用频率日渐提升,而为了满足用户日益增长的通信业务需求,提高用户的通信质量,越来越多的通信技术也应运而生。从最初的1G到现在的5G,人们能普遍体验到通信水平的高速发展。而当今发展正热的5G系统在通信速率上有了显著提高,这将会使用户业务量显著提升,为了满足用户业务量的需求,传统的静态或半静态的子帧配置就显得稍有不足,而为了提升对系统资源的有效利用率,5G NR技术中深入研究了动态TDD技术,该技术是通过对基站的上下行链路子帧进行动态配置,使其能根据当前的业务情况进行动态变化,从而最大化利用系统资源,有效提高了传输效率和降低了传输时延。然而动态TDD技术在提升网络整体性能的同时,也带来了一些问题,其中最严峻的就是由于相邻基站间传输子帧不同导致的交叉时隙干扰问题。本文就主要对5G系统中的动态TDD技术进行了研宄,以提出降低交叉时隙干扰的一些解决方法。

With the development of technology, people's requirements and frequency of communication are increasing. In order to meet the increasing communication service needs of users and improve the communication quality of users, more and more communication technologies have emerged. From the initial 1G to the current 5G, people can generally experience the rapid development of communication levels. The 5G system that is developing hot today has significantly improved the communication rate, which will significantly increase the user's business volume. In order to meet the user's business demand, the traditional static or semi-static subframe configuration is slightly insufficient. In order to improve the effective utilization of system resources, the dynamic TDD technology is deeply studied in the 5G NR technology. The technology dynamically configures the uplink and downlink subframes of the base station to enable dynamic dynamics according to the current service conditions. Changes, thereby maximizing the use of system resources, effectively improving transmission efficiency and reducing transmission delay. However, while the dynamic TDD technology improves the overall performance of the network, it also brings some problems. The most serious one is the problem of cross-slot interference caused by different transmission subframes between adjacent base stations. In this paper, we mainly study the dynamic TDD technology in 5G system to propose some solutions to reduce cross-slot interference. [来源:http://think58.com]
Keywords:5G; subframe configuration; dynamic TDD; slot interference


第1章  绪论    1
1.1论文研究背景    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    2
1.3 论文结构安排    3
第2章 动态TDD技术    4
2.1 增强的小区间干扰协调技术    6
2.2 新型小区重构技术    8
2.3 基于子帧变换的帧结构配置    9
第3章 仿真分析    13
3.1 eICIC下的仿真分析    13
3.2 新型小区重构技术仿真    14
第4章 研究工作总结    16
参考文献    17
致谢    19
