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This article introduces a segmentation method of brain MRI based on convolutional neural network. The core of this method is a patch-based convolutional neural network model.    This model includes three parts: the preprocessing, the neural networkarchitecture and visualization. In order to get the best segmentation performance, this article designs four different neural network architecture and compares them to obtain the best network structure which is a convolutional neural network with patch-size of 18*18. This network has 4 layers of convolutional layers and no pooling layer. The overall accuracy rate of the network is 94.97% while the dice ratio of cerebrospinal fluid, gray matter and white matter are 79.99%, 93.68%, 95.26%. Finally, we also compare the result of artificial segmentation with the result of algorithm segmentation. We found that the result of both segmentation method is very close. Compared to the traditional method, the method used in this articlecan learn features automatically. At the same time, the neural network is robust and cannot be affected by noise. With the development of deep learning, the accuracy of the segmentation method based on CNN will be increasingly high.


Keywords:CNN;brain MRI;image segmentation


摘要    I
Abstract    II
第1章绪论    1
1.1脑部MR图像特点    1
1.2脑部MR图像的分割目的和意义    1
1.3本文的结构    2
第2章脑部MR图像分割    3
2.1图像分割的定义    3
2.2图像分割的评价方法    3
2.3脑部MR图像分割的主要算法    4
2.3.1 FCM    4
2.3.2高斯混合向量    4
2.3.3区域生长算法    5 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
2.3.4动态控制模型    5
2.3.5 LVQ    5
2.3.6 SOM    6
2.3.7基于深度学习的方法    6
第3章基于卷积神经网络的脑部MR图像分割方法    8
3.1系统流程图    8
3.2数据预处理    9
3.2.1数据集    9
3.2.2数据导入和数据裁剪    9
3.2.3数据归一化和零均值    10
3.3卷积神经网络分层结构    11
3.3.1卷积层    11
3.3.2池化层    12
3.3.3激活函数    12
3.3.4 softmax分类器    14
3.3.5 Dropout    15
3.4卷积神经网络总体结构    15
3.5训练参数设置    17
3.6结果可视化    18
3.7小结    19
第4章测试与结果分析    20
4.1测试环境    20
4.2不同区块大小的卷积神经网络对比    20 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
4.3Batch Normalization的性能    25
第5章总结与展望    27
参考文献    28
致谢    30
