
密 惠 保
无级变速器(Continuously variable transmission)简称CVT,与普通变速器相比,优势在于,它变速比不是不连续的点,而是一系列连续变化的数值。而有着无限档位的无级变速器,则确保了在任何条件下变速器都能提供最合适的档位使得发动机处于最经济工况下工作。就目前市场上的情况而言,金属带式无级变速器是发展最为成熟的无级变速器,也是各大公司研究的重点无级变速器类型。但是目前的金属带式CVT的局限是显而易见的:效率偏低和扭矩偏小。所以金属带式无级变速器仅仅适用于中小型轿车上,这是无级变速器目前发展的主要瓶颈。故而,研发更大转矩容量与更高传动效率的CVT具有重要的意义。
In the background of global energy crisis, energy conservation and emission reduction has become the focus of all walks of life.Since Karl Benz successfully developed the world's first three-wheel car in 1886, the automobile industry has experienced more than a century of development. Nowadays, CVT has become a new popular type of transmission by global manufacturers for better dynamic performance, riding performance and fuel economy.
Continuously variable transmission (CVT) , compared with traditional transmission, its transmission ratio is not a series of seperating point, but a series of continuously changing values. At the same time,the infinitely variable transmission ensures that the transmission can provide the most suitable gear under any conditions to make the engine work under the most economical conditions.In terms of the current situation in the market, the metal-belt type CVT is the most mature development of CVT, as a result, the most companies focu on metal-belt type CVT types.But the limitations of the current metal-belt type CVT are obvious: low efficiency and low torque.So the metal belt CVT is only suitable for small and medium-sized cars, which is the main bottleneck of CVT development.Therefore, it is of great significance to develop CVT with larger torque capacity and higher transmission efficiency in the future. [资料来源:http://think58.com]
Keywords:Metal-belt type Contiuously Variable Transmission;transmission device;planetary gear reversing mechanism;driving,driven cone-disk;intermediate reductiongearbox
汽车尺寸 长*宽*高 4866*1832*1464
汽车整备质量 1440kg
发动机参数 最大功率 110KW/5000~6000rpm
最大扭矩 250N.m/1750~3000rpm
传动系统主要参数 轮胎规格 215/60R16
驱动方式 前置前驱
最大爬坡度 0.3
滚动阻力系数 0.012
传动系总效率 0.85


第1章绪论 1
1.1 概述 1
1.1.1 无级变速器的分类 1
1.1.2 金属带式无级变速器的发展历史 3
第2章金属带式无级变速器传动的基本原理 4
2.1 金属带式无级变速器的基本组成 5
2.1.1 离合器换向机构 6
2.1.2 金属带式变速机构 7
2.1.3 中间减速机构 8
第3章无级变速机构的参数设计及校核 10
3.1 迈腾2019款整车参数 10
3.2 传动比的设计计算 10
3.2.1 车轮半径 10
3.2.2 求最大传动比的范围 11
3.2.3 求无级变速装置的基本参数 11
3.3 金属带的强度校核……………………………………………………………….11
3.3.1 带环的静强度计算 13
3.3.2带环的疲劳强度计算 14
3.3.3带轮与摩擦片的接触强度计算 15
第4章换向机构的参数设计及校核 18
4.1换向机构的组成及工作原理 18
4.2齿轮参数设计计算 18
第5章中间减速器的设计及校核 23
5.1中间减速器的组成与工作原理 23
5.2中间减速器的设计 23
5.2.1中间减速第一级齿轮设计 23
5.2.2 中间减速器第二级齿轮设计 25
5.3 主减速器齿轮的设计及校核 26
5.4 减速机构齿轮参数汇总 28
第6章中间减速器轴及轴上支撑件设计及校核 30
6.1 轴的结构设计 30
6.1.1 选择轴的材料 30
6.1.2 初步估算轴径 30
6.2 轴的强度计算 30
6.2.1 轴的强度验算 30
6.3 键的强度计算 37
第7章结论 38
参考文献 39
致谢 41 [版权所有:http://think58.com]