密 惠 保
密 惠 保
The MacPherson suspension is the main component of electric vehicles, and it is also an important connection device for frames and tires. In the design process of electric vehicles, McPherson suspension is widely used in the front suspension structure of the car with its unique adaptability.
This design first selects the basic parameters of the vehicle suspension design, and then calculates the related stiffness, static disturbance, and roll angle stiffness parameters. Based on the data obtained, draw the suspension geometry in the CATIA sketch. Then, component modeling and assembly of the suspension system are performed in CATIA based on suspension geometry. After the final assembly is completed, the hard point data is measured and the kinematics and dynamics simulation of the suspension are launched in the Adams/Car to optimize the relevant hard point data. Finally, according to the force analysis, the force conditions of the components are calculated, and the finite element method is used to perform static simulation in ANSYS. [来源:http://www.think58.com]
The design is divided into four steps and is also the four chapters in the article. In the CATIA assembly process, the use of assembly relationships eliminates basic interference and improves related designs. In the dynamics simulation process, the range of the relevant parameters was obtained by Adams/Car. Then, according to the results of the change of the four-wheel alignment parameters, the relevant structure of the model and the position of the hard point are optimized, thereby ensuring the stability of the entire vehicle operation. In the static analysis process, the structure of the lower control arm is improved, the unsprung mass is reduced, and the performance of the entire vehicle is improved.
In summary, this design optimizes the structure of the front suspension and the position of hard points, and improves the stability of the car. At the same time, using the finite element algorithm to lighten the control arm, enriched the McPherson suspension design.
Keyword:McPherson suspension;Dynamics simulation;Four wheel positioning parameters;Steering stability
表2-1 四轮定位参数
四轮定位参数 内倾角 后倾角 外倾角 前束角
前悬架 12° 3° 0.5° 0.5°
表2-2 整车基本参数
名称 数值 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
整车质量(有人)ma(kg) 1730
簧上质量估计值msm(kg) 1570
整车的整备质量m0(kg) 1430
轴距L(mm) 2700
前轮距B1(mm) 1475
后轮距B2(mm) 1480
质心到前轴水平距离a(mm) 1215
质心到后轴水平距离b(mm) 1485
质心高度h(mm) 480
质心到侧倾轴线距离H(mm) 326.25
前悬架静态侧倾中心高度h1(mm) 75
后悬架静态侧倾中心高度h2(mm) 250
车身长度(mm) 4680
车身宽度(mm) 1720
车身高度(mm) 1515
最小离地间隙(mm) 120
轮胎尺寸195/60 R16半径(mm) 320.2
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 电动汽车悬架发展概况 1
1.2.1 国外电动汽车悬架的研究现状 1
1.2.2 国内电动汽车悬架的研究现状 2
1.3 电动汽车结构与悬架选型 2
1.4 论文研究的基本内容、目标及技术方案 2
1.4.1 研究的基本内容 2
1.4.2 研究目标 3
1.4.3 技术方案及措施 3
1.5本章小结 4
第2章 电动车前悬架系统的设计流程 5
2.1麦弗逊悬架的结构分析 5
2.2悬架参数设计 5
2.2.1车轮定位参数 5
2.2.2悬架几何 5
2.2.3刚度计算 5
2.2.4阻尼计算 7
2.2.5弹簧参数 8
2.3悬架零部件设计 9
2.3.1悬架主要零部件的设计 9
2.3.2悬架系统装配设计 9
2.4本章小结 10
第3章 悬架运动学与动力学仿真分析 11
3.1 Adams/Car模块概述 11
3.1.1 Adams/Car模块功能简介 11
3.1.2 Adams/Car的建模流程 11
3.2仿真模型的创建 11
3.2.1 硬点坐标的修改 11
3.2.2 外倾、前束的建立 12
3.2.3 弹簧模型的建立 13
3.2.4 减振器模型的建立 14
3.2.5 轮胎模型的建立 16
3.2.6前悬架模型的建立 17
3.3悬架的运动学评价指标 17
3.4前悬架车轮激振分析 17
3.4.1 车轮同向跳动实验仿真 18
3.4.2 车轮反向跳动实验仿真 20
3.5前悬架静载试验仿真 22
3.5.1侧向力加载试验仿真 22
3.5.2纵向力加载试验仿真 24
3.5.3回正力矩试验仿真 25
3.6本章小结 26
第4章 悬架零部件的结构强度仿真分析 27 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
4.1悬架零部件受力分析与材料选择 27
4.2悬架零部件分析前处理及求解 27
4.2.1静力学分析前处理 27
4.2.2静力学求解 28
4.3悬架零部件仿真后处理分析 28
4.3.1加速工况分析 28
4.3.2制动工况分析 29
4.3.3减速入弯工况分析 29
4.3.4加速出弯工况分析 29
4.4悬架轻量化设计建议 30
4.5本章小结 30
总结与展望 31
参考文献 32
致谢 33
附录 34