密 惠 保
摘 要
关键词 物资管理,Internet/Intranet, ACCESS,ASP
The material management information system to deal with the actual needs of actual work, In analyzing the current materials management information systems of the problems, based on management information systems development concept structure and system development and the basic principles, And the use of computing speed and information storage capacity, processing logic strong, powerful advantages the current popular B/S structure, Internet/Intranet to achieve through enterprise materials management, especially for basic materials information management, the deployment of information and other materials for a complete monitoring and the development. Inquiry and decision-making information management needs stronger and more focused and functional. aimed at helping the enterprise to achieve material management information technology and network technology to increase the efficiency of enterprise management.
The material management information system consists mainly of "material inventory information management" and "storage of materials information management" "materials from the Information Management", "supplies basic information management" and "User Management System" module. It mainly supplies to enterprises from storage statistics and accounting, timely and accurately grasp the value of the stock, and dynamically reflect the change in material changes to the decision-making enterprises to provide the basic data.
Material management, Internet/Intranet, ACCESS, ASP [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
前 言
当今社会是一个信息社会,一个知识经济时代。自世界上第一台计算机ENINC(Electronic numerical integrator and calculator)于1946年在美国问世到现在,计算机业飞速发展,技术淘汰指标高的惊人,价格下降以及软件应用的快速扩展引发了以信息处理计算机化为标志的“微机革命”,随之而来的是以全球信息网络普及和全球信息共享为标志的“全球信息网络革命”的蓬勃兴起。可见,世界已进入在计算机信息管理领域中激烈竞争的时代,计算机已经变得普通得不能再普通的工具,如同我们离不开的自行车、汽车一样。