计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC

网上家电销售系统的设计与实现(ASP SQL2000)




摘    要
关键词:在线销售;SQL Server 2000;购物车
The Design and Implementation of Sale System of Electric Home Appiances Online
With the rapid advance of information technology, network, a new medium, has penetrated into every field of social life and become the fourth medium after newspapers, magazines, radio and television. And internet is increasingly changing peoples life style, communicative means and even values. By convenient and low cost electronic communicate pattern, the buyer and seller can go on all kinds of business activities but do not need  face to face .The universal use of electronic commerce has become the trend of internet economy.
This paper was mainly about the introduction of the whole process of the design and development of sale system of electric home appiances online. The system adopts the design way of mould. According to the need of users, the apply of procedure and easily use of safeguard, every part of system is put into different mould. The main functions of the system include the user management and the system management. The user management has home appiances news, product information, supply and demand information, member center etc. And the system management implements product management, member management, advertisement management, order management, news management, member account management. [来源:http://www.think58.com]
 Key words:  Sales on line SQL Server 2000 Shopping Cart [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]






目  录
论文总页数:23页 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]

1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景和研究意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 本课题研究内容 1
2 相关技术 2
2.1 ASP简介 2
2.2 SQL Server 2000简介 2
3 系统总体设计 3
3.1 体系结构 3
3.2 系统功能说明 4
4 设计与实现 5
4.1 用户模块 5
4.2 管理员模块 8
4.3 数据库的分析与设计 10
4.4 网站页面清单 14
5 系统测试 14
5.1 测试环境以及开发环境 14
5.2 测试内容 15
5.3 测试结果 20
结    论 20
参考文献 20
致    谢 22
声    明 23


3.2 系统功能说明
1) 用户模块:功能强大 、操作方便
用户模块作为与用户直接交互的界面,在考虑功能的同时,也考虑了操作的简洁和方便性,目的是让大多数不在懂电脑操作的客户,也能轻松的享受电子商务给他们带来的便利。主要包括:用户注册,登录/验证,网站新闻,特价商品,最新商品浏览,用户收藏,全部商品,全部特价商品,以及对商品的评价和购物车。各模块之间关系如图3-2-1所示: [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]


图3-2-1 一般用户界面的功能模块图
2) 管理员模块:完善的管理模式
各模块之间的关系如下图3-2-2所示: [来源:http://think58.com]

图3-2-2 管理界面的系统功能模块图




