密 惠 保
In recent years, as the computer gets widespread, they participate in our life quietly. Computer is changing our living way.
Softly. computer expressed its value in an idiographic way since it had been invented. It always brings us more and more advantages. nowadays as the technology of network develops, many universities and social departments abroad setup online education system.Make long-range education by network. Nowadays, technology of computer hardware gets a high level. The network technology filter every part of society. The classic teaching method faces evolution. However, online education is a direction. Online education system based on B/S technology can be carried on Internet. So the education can be not only in local place, but also in other long-range place. The convenience of that is much extended. That education can be devided into 2 parts: multimedia education and video education. Students can choose that as their necessary. Now the better way of education is online education which exploited by B/S structure. Students must log in with their names and passwords. So online education is a trend in the future. but online education is not that popular in our country. We are keeping on using classic teaching way for now.As the society develops, the technology is on underway section. As the technology develops, better softwares should be used in it. That will be a harder request for software engineers.
Key words: On-line education;education system;browser;homepage
目 录
绪 论 1
第一章 ASP介绍 2
1.1 IIS简介 2
1.2 ASP 2
第二章 流媒体技术及应用 12
2.1流媒体的概念 12
2.2流媒体三种流格式及比较 12
2.3流媒体技术的典型应用 14
第三章 系统设计 15
3.1系统框架 15
3.2运行方式 15
3.3数据库结构的分析与设计 15
3.4主要功能模块 18
3.5系统功能模块图 20
第四章.系统功能详细设计 21
4.1系统运行环境 21
4.2系统安装调试说明 21
4.3系统首页 21
4.4系统设定 24
4.5数据连接文件 25
第五章 聊天室系统 26
5.1定时刷新功能 26
5.2显示在线人数功能 27
5.3字体颜色选择功能 27
5.4私聊功能 28
5.5个人资料管理功能 28
第六章 论坛系统 29
6.1功能描述 29
6.2用户注册 29
6.3用户注销 30
6.4修改个人资料 30
6.5话题管理功能 31
6.6回复管理 33
结 束 语 35
谢 辞 36
参考文献 37
附录 38
附录A 外文翻译-原文部分 38
附录B 外文翻译-译文部分 42