密 惠 保
综合教务管理系统是一个基于B/S (浏览器/服务器)模式的、面向学校教务处用户的多模块信息管理系统,是一个典型的当前流行的信息管理系统(MIS)。它采用了当前流行的B/S结构,可以突破了原先教务系统使用的局限性,实现多机同时工作统一数据库。因而就可在多地域、任意时间段来访问教务系统中的数据本。本系统可以实现四、六级考试成绩查询;计算机等级考试成绩查询;专接本成绩查询;期末考试安排查询;教材查询;教师网上成绩打印系统及课表的查询。我们采用的开发技术是ASP,数据库采用的是Access,开发工具是Frontpage。
In the rapid development of the Internet today, the rapid acquisition of a people, an important
channel for information dissemination and communication, which in the political, economic, and other aspects of life plays an important role. With computer technology and the rapid development of information technology, information management, computer applications in the increasingly welcomed. Using computers to achieve school attendance management imperative. This is in any modern society that must be resolved in a school, the school is modern management trends. What we have done is a comprehensive academic system information dissemination subsystems part of the school management.
The comprehensive educational administration management system management system is one based on B/S (browser/The server) the pattern, face the school school administration office user's multi-module information management system, is typical current popular information management system (MIS). It has used current popular B/The S structure, might break through the original educational administration system use limitation, realized many machine simultaneously works the unified database. Thus may in the multi-regions, the random time section visits in the educational administration system the data book. This system may realize four, six level of test result inquiry; Computer rank test result inquiry; Meets this result inquiry specially; Terminal examinations arrangement inquiry; Teaching material inquiry; On teacher net result printing system and class schedule inquiry. We use the development technology is ASP, the database uses is Access, the development kit is Frontpage.
KeyWords:ASP;Access;Frontpage;Information dissemination
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 系统功能 1
第2章 开发平台简介 2
2.1 ASP技术简介 2
2.2 ASP内置对象 2
2.3 基于ADO的数据访问 3
2.4 安装与配置ASP的运行环境 4
2.5 编辑与执行ASP程序 5
第3章 需求分析 7
3.1需求调查 7
3.2系统开发方案和目标 7
3.3可行性分析 8
第4章 系统概要设计 10
4.1 总体设计 10
4.2 E-R图 10
第5章 系统详细设计 13
5.1 数据库的设计 13
5.2 数据库的配置 16
5.3 模块的详细实现 16
第六章 系统测试与运行 28
6.1 系统测试 28
6.2 系统运行 28
结 束 语 31
谢辞 32
参考文献 33
附录A 外文翻译—原文部分 34
附录B 外文翻译—译文部分 37
附录C 代码部分 40