密 惠 保
关键词: 在线播放系统,B/S结构,ASP技术、ACCESS
The system is based on B/S architecture and the essay analyses the operation mechanism, configuration, technologies related to implementation of the system. Then it describes the overall design and detailed design of the system respectively.
The system including user module, the module film. The user can sign on the film after the search, watch and timely comments to the Administrator. Film bank with a lot of films, each film has a detailed explanation and the first time provided to the users, Administrators can add, delete, modify its contents.
The system include mainly following modules: management of the user bank, management of the movie bank, etc. The on-line movie broadcast can make fans to see the good movie timely and comprehensive.
【Key Words】: mplementation of the system B/S architecture ASP
目 录
1 概述 1
1.1 系统背景和发展现状 1
1.2 研究的目的和意义 1
1.3 本文工作概述 2
2 系统相关技术 3
2.1 体系结构 3
2.2 HTML与HTTP协议 5
2.3 Web编程技术ASP 5
2.4 数据库ACCESS 2003 7
2.5应用服务器(IIS) 7
3 系统需求分析 9
3.1 网络在线点播系统实现目的 9
3.2 系统运行环境 9
3.3 功能需求 9
3.4 性能需求 10
4 系统总体设计 12
4.1 系统的设计原则 12
4.2 系统的总体设计思想 12
4.3 系统的模块结构 13
4.4 系统模块功能概述 14
5 数据库设计 16
5.1 后台数据库 16
5.2 系统数据库设计 16
6 系统详细设计与实现 19
6.1 在线点播影视系统分析 20
6.2 影视库管理 21
6.3 系统用户管理及系统的权限 23
6.4 影片详细信息 25
7 结束语 29
致 谢 30
参考文献 31
附录 32