密 惠 保
摘 要
【关键字】 数据库应用与开发 B/S模式 客房预订
In the fast pace of life today, people in various cities throughout the day shuttling busy in the past went to the city which is scheduled to be taken only after room, now it appears to be too much trouble, a great number of hotels have already started using the Internet room booking system . Such conduct on the management of the hotel's more relaxed. Acer Hotel has been implemented within the c / s the structure of the hotel room management system, but there are still talking about these issues. I try to help them develop production to achieve on-line booking system room.
Acer Hotel Management Information System in the Internet can not be carried out booking rooms through the design of the main ways to achieve the adoption of the Internet booking rooms. Homes so that customers will be able to sit at home want to book their rooms. The main features are: About the hotel, briefing rooms, guest rooms offer room reservations to submit information, booking information and modify, delete, etc.) information manager, booking information back to the functions, the hotel truly paperless, electronic information , No distance limit for the room reservation information.
Keyword: database application and development of B / S model room reservations
目 录
第一章 研究的现状及设计目标2
1.1 现行研究存在的问题及解决的方法 .2
1.2 本课题要达到的设计目标 3
第二章 要解决的几个关键问题 3
2.1 设计中要解决的问题 .3
2.2 具体实现中采用的关键技术3
第三章 系统结构及模型 3
3.1 设计实现的策略和算法描述3
3.2 设计的模型及数据结构 4
第四章 系统的实现技术.7
4.1 各模块详述系统各部分的实现方法7
4.2 程序流程 .8
第五章 性能的测试与分析 ..37
5.1 测试实例的研究与选择 .37
5.2 测试环境与测试条件 .40
5.3 实例测试 .40
5.4 性能分析 ..40
第六章:结束语 ..40
参考文献 41