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随着计算机技术的发展及计算机的日益普及,网络化考试已成为大势所趋。网络化考试也越来越成为各种考试的好帮手,在电子政务蓬勃发展的时候,职称考试等考试的网络化就显得尤其的重要了。 [来源:http://www.think58.com]





关键词:考试系统;数据库管理;在线考试 [来源:http://think58.com]



Being along with the development of the computer technology, the development of the exam online system is so fast that it will become a good helper of the multiplicity exam. Especial in the quick development of the national's information construction, the exam-system will play a important role in the construction. [资料来源:http://think58.com]

First of all, it is necessarily to analyze the requirement of this system in order to constitute the module needed. Secondly, we must to create the Database of the system which supported by the Microsoft ODBC Data source. So that this system have many helpful function, such as set question automation, set question randomly, count the score automatically, online test by time keeping, the management of user account etc. it improves examination efficiency with high efficient. The transplantation of the system is considered as much as it can be, so the system is provided with comprehensive application domain [来源:http://think58.com]

Key words: the examination system; the management of Database; the on-line examination. [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]







论文总页数:31 [资料来源:THINK58.com]

1   引言 1


1.1 课题背景 1 [资料来源:http://think58.com]

1.2 开发职称考试系统的目的和意义  1 [资料来源:http://think58.com]

2   开发环境介绍 2 [版权所有:http://think58.com]

2.1 ASP语言 2


2.2  MICROSOFT ODBC数据源管理    3


2.3  IIS 服务    5 [来源:http://think58.com]

2.4 DREAMWEAVER MX 2004开发工具 6 [资料来源:THINK58.com]

2.5 B/S数据库访问模式    6 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]

3   系统设计 7


3.1项目需求分析 7


3.2数据库设计   8 [来源:http://www.think58.com]

3.2.1 功能流程图介绍 8


3.2.2功能流程图 9


3.2.3 数据字典   13 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]

3.3功能模块 18


4   设计实现 22 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]

4.1主要界面 22


4.2关键代码 26




参考文献 30 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]







部分运行界面 [来源:http://think58.com]








